How to Measure a Recruitment Partner

With the issue of living wages paramount in candidates' minds, it's the perfect time for organisations to reassess their recruitment strategies, especially those relying heavily on blue-collar labour.

Many companies are partnered with recruitment agencies that deliver barely adequate services, while others have opted to move recruitment in-house to dodge the rising costs associated with the National Living Wage increase.
However, will either strategy position them for success in the post-recession upturn?

Evaluating your current recruitment partner

For those already using recruitment services, consider whether you're measuring the right metrics to ensure the best return on investment (ROI). Are you simply tracking the number of placements, or are you also evaluating:

  • Quality, performance, and potential: How competent is your workforce? Does your recruitment partner help you find suitable candidates?
  • Productivity per hour and overheads: Does your partner help you understand each team member's output beyond filling positions? This understanding can dramatically affect your cost efficiency.
  • Impact of labour providers: Are your current providers more than just intermediaries? The right partner should enhance your workforce quality, not just fill vacancies.

As economic conditions evolve, a better-than-average recruitment service may be required. An average partner might fill positions, but do they bring on board the talent that will drive your company forward when the market rebounds?

The hidden costs of in-house recruitment

Companies that recruit in-house face unique challenges. While it might seem cost-effective on paper, internal talent acquisition comes with fixed overheads and no guarantees of success. If your in-house team struggles to fill critical roles efficiently, the costs can quickly outweigh the savings.

Why choose TaskMaster?
TaskMaster offers a dynamic approach to recruitment, focusing on filling positions with the right people and skills to enhance your entire workforce's quality. Here's how we make a difference:

  • Identifying non-performers: We help pinpoint underperformers to reduce drag on your resources and finances.
  • Managing average performers: We boost your productivity by identifying and improving average performers.
  • Retaining top talent: Our strategies ensure your best talent feels valued and motivated, reducing turnover and fostering a culture of success.

Working with TaskMaster means you only pay for successful placements. Unlike fixed in-house recruitment costs, our fees are contingent on our success in delivering the right candidate who starts working. This model aligns our interests with yours, ensuring we are committed to providing the best possible talent.

Don't get left behind

As you feel the early signs of market recovery, don't let outdated or inefficient recruitment strategies hold you back. To ensure you're ready for the opportunities ahead, contact TaskMaster.